Saturday 24 January 2015

today is just beautiful.

the sky is such the right shade of blue it makes my heart quiver just looking up at it. blue as warm ice, as James McAvoy's eyes, smudged with wisps of cloud and the scratches of aeroplanes.

there's no wind and the spiky tips of the trees seem to be reaching up to touch it, always reaching, but never quite managing, like putting your hand into the rippling surface of the ocean and knowing that the water goes on for ever.
and yet at the same time they are enveloped by its deepness, wrapped and painted and growing within it.

the muted grey of a pigeon wings past in a dipping arc of flight....

through the crack of open window, the gravelly hum of a low-flier, maybe on its way to Spain, familiar and comfortingly human...

the clashing of breakfast things in the sink, the crescendo bubble of the kettle boiling, shampoo and sunshine on the carpet and the green of fir tree branches against the glow of red brick.


just stop, stop for a moment and breathe in the blue.

I love Saturdays.

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